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About the Museum

The Molfsee Open-Air Museum is the central place of remembrance and experience for the everyday and cultural history of Schleswig-Holstein - from the 16th to the 20th century.


The rural life of the past

Almost every citizen of Schleswig-Holstein has been here at least once. There is hardly a schoolchild who cannot look back on a trip to Molfsee. There is hardly a family that has not spent a day on the extensive museum grounds, looking at the farmhouses, cottages, barns as well as the workshops of village crafts and immersing themselves in the rural life of the past.


Dauerausstellung Jahr100haus, Thema Rhythmus und Rituale

A voyage of discovery into the recent past

The exhibition on display in it, "Ein JAHR100 in Schleswig-Holstein. Land. Leute. Leben" (A YEAR100 in Schleswig-Holstein. Country. People. Life) ties in chronologically with the exhibition in the open-air site, but sets itself clearly apart from it in terms of content. It presents 350 everyday objects from the 20th century - from the school cone to the torch for the Olympic flame in 1972 -, highlights their stories and invites us on a voyage of discovery into the recent past. 

Both the Jahr100Haus and the open-air site present plenty of space not only for exhibitions, but also for events and educational offerings. The museum's diverse programme, which also includes large markets, attracts thousands of visitors every year.

Schleswig-Holstein State Museums
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